Malmö Art Academy PhD projects presentations
Warmest of welcome to a presentation by our PhD students about their research projects. Their education is based on artistic theory and practice, and the reflective and theoretical content of the education is not the goal but a means of artistic development and the emphasis for the studies is on independent artistic development work.
17.00 Brief introduction
Andreas Broeckmann, Sarat Maharaj, Gertrud Sandqvist
17.15 Archival Procedures, Unresolved Processes: An Anthropophagy of History
Sven Augustijnen
17.35: Shades of Ambiguity
Yael Bartana
17.55: Maumaus, an Autobiography of an Institution
Jürgen Bock
18.15: A continuous project, altered daily: Distribution as curatorial practice
Jacob Korczynski
18.35 Imagined Images and Mis – Remembered Bones
Emily Wardill
Bouchra Khalili is one of the nominees for the Duchamp-prize and will not participate since she is installing her work at Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. The title of her PhD project is: The Hypothesis of a New Community (to Come): Speaking a Collective voice in/from the 1st- personal Singular.
Om evenemanget
Lecture Room, third floor, Mazetti Bergsgatan 29
amanda [dot] pettersson [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se