Ekonomi och samhälle: Europa och Atlantekonomins framväxt ca 1000-1890
Kurs 7.5 högskolepoäng
The course discusses the economic history of pre-modern Europe (c. 1000-1890). At the beginning of this period, Europe, after centuries of stagnation, gradually began to develop, first in the Italian city-states and the Mediterranean. After 1500, when the Europeans arrived in the Americas the centre of gravity moved to the Atlantic coastline and North Sea region. The course discusses the various ways in which access to the Atlantic and contacts with Asia, Africa and the Americas allowed for growth in the Low Countries and England, and how pre-modern growth is linked to the latter country’s Industrial Revolution. Attention will also be given to the forces causing stagnation and decline in the South of Europe, as well as the North and East. The course will conclude with the technological breakthroughs leading to the First Industrial Revolution in England and the emergence of the industrial economy. Altogether, the course highlights crucial preconditions for industrialization and modern economic growth that were created during the period 1000-1890 and shaped the future course of the European economies, after 1890.
Stängd för anmälan
Alla utbildningstillfällenKontakt
Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
Scheelevägen 15B, Alfa 1, 223 63 Lund
Box 7080, 220 07 Lund
+46 46 222 74 75
Håkan Lobell
+46 46 222 74 85
hakan [dot] lobell [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se
Behörighet & urval
Anmälan & antagning
Start Höstterminen 2025
Dagtid Lund, deltid 50%
På engelska
1 september 2025 - 2 november 2025
Kan bara sökas inom utbildningsprogram.
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Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Ekonomi och samhälle: Europa och Atlantekonomins framväxt ca 1000-1890 är 15 000 SEK.