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International Business: Corporate Finance

Kurs 7.5 högskolepoäng


The aim of the course is to provide students with a broad overview of internationalfinancial management, where the emphasis is on the company’s relations to theexternal environment. The course has an international corporate perspective andshould prepare students for the vital role financial planning and management plays ina dynamic and competitive environment. The main purpose is to give theoretical knowledge for judgment and analysis of thefinancial considerations a company is exposed to, and to deepen the knowledge ofhow to handle these considerations. Students should also develop knowledge to be able to identify, judge and contributeto companies’ adaptations to ongoing changes in the area of financial management.The first part of the course contains a general introduction to international financial management, emphasising the perspective of the Chief Financial Officer(CFO). Thereafter, the following topics are covered:

- Financial planning and control, including working capital management.
- Theoretical foundation of portfolio theory and the theories concerning return andrisk
- Capital structure and dividend policy
- Capital needs and access to capital in different company phases, including the possibilities to efficiently manage the cost of capital- Corporate governance
- Valuation models, including models for corporate and stock valuation
- Financial instruments and the use of them in different situations.

Stängd för anmälan

Alla utbildningstillfällen


Företagsekonomiska institutionen

Tycho Brahes väg 1, 223 63 Lund

Box 7080, 220 07 Lund


Pernilla Honoré


pernilla [dot] honore [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se

Igor Plicanic


igor [dot] plicanic [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se

Behörighet & urval


General and at least 60 credits first-cycle course/s before entry.


Platserna fördelas enligt följande: Betyg 20%, Högskoleprov 10% och antal tidigare högskolepoäng vid sista anmälningsdag (upp till 165) 70%.

Anmälan & antagning

Start Vårterminen 2024

Dagtid Lund, deltid 50%

På engelska


15 januari 2024 - 19 mars 2024


Can only be applied to as part of a course package and/or within an educational programme.

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Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES

Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs vidare på https://antagning.se/sv/studier-pa-hogskoleniva/anmalnings--och-studieavgifter/

Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för International Business: Corporate Finance är 12 500 SEK.