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Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes: A Picture of an Irish Childhood


  • Emilia Stopar

Summary, in English

This essay examines how Frank McCourt pictures a catholic upbringing in Ireland during the 1930's and 1940's in his novel Angela's Ashes. It also discusses if this picture is realistic or not. In order to do this, McCourt's description of Ireland will be put in a historical and cultural context and be compared with actual facts. Special attention will be paid to Catholicism and its influence on people and institutions in both the novel and in reality. Positive as well as negative aspects of this kind of childhood will be discussed and analyzed. In the end, this essay concludes that the author's gloomy picture of his Irish childhood is realistic and accurate, even though McCourt obviously has stressed the more negative aspects of this childhood.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Languages and Literatures


  • Ireland
  • childhood
  • Catholicism
  • social criticism
  • Barndomen i litteraturen
  • Katolicismen i litteraturen
  • Självbiografiska romaner
  • Irland i litteraturen
  • English language and literature
  • Engelska (språk och litteratur)


  • Annika Hill