Determining parameters of posture verbs in English: A case study
Summary, in English
In English, there are specific verbs called posture verbs. They denote the
posture of subjects and objects. To state whether an animate object is
standing or sitting is hardly any trouble but how do we state inanimate
objects? What determines their posture? These posture verbs denoting
inanimate object are easily found in recipes, thus, this essay will examine
which variables are the ones determining the posture of the inanimate
objects in recipes. The three selected posture verbs are stand, sit and set.
Why does the tray with cookies sit on the counter and why does chocolate
stand in a bowl?
posture of subjects and objects. To state whether an animate object is
standing or sitting is hardly any trouble but how do we state inanimate
objects? What determines their posture? These posture verbs denoting
inanimate object are easily found in recipes, thus, this essay will examine
which variables are the ones determining the posture of the inanimate
objects in recipes. The three selected posture verbs are stand, sit and set.
Why does the tray with cookies sit on the counter and why does chocolate
stand in a bowl?
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Examensarbete för kandidatexamen
- Languages and Literatures
- Dylan Glynn