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Colours in Nizar Qabbani’s Poetry / الألوان في شعر نزار قباني


  • Havindar Kheder

Summary, in English

There have been many studies that deal with the poet Nizar Qabbani, as he is one of the poets who revolutionized in the Arab world in terms of addressing controversial issues in politics and society. He is also well-known for his powerful defence of women and his profuse mentioning of them in his poems. It is a recognized fact that Nizar’s poetic style is abundant in renewal and beauty, that his language brings joy to the recipient. He is also famous for his wonderful way of using colours in his poems.
This thesis is about the concept of colours in the poetry of Nizar Qabbani, and how he uses and employs them in a way that serves his poetic goals. It is my aim in this study to explore the nature of colours in the poetry of Nizar and to shed light on the meanings of some of them to reach satisfactory and convincing results, through researching and exploring some of the books that have addressed the topic, defining colours lexically and giving information about meanings of some colours to Arabs. Analyzing some of the poetry of Nizar, and explaining why Nizar used colours, this study showed that Nizar was creative in using each colour in its proper place, and was concentrated on the selection of the colours in order to communicate an idea to the recipient. This study also showed the extent of the psychological influence of the environment experienced by Qabbani in his interest in using colours in his poetry, as well as the extent of his love of drawing as a child. That love coloured his poems, and made him give us valuable and enjoyable poems.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Languages and Literatures


  • meanings of colours to Arabs
  • Arabic poetry
  • Colors in literature
  • Nizar Qabbani
  • colours in the poetry of Nizar Qabbani


  • Bo Holmberg (Professor)