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Lo real maravilloso y lo barroco americano: Estudio crítico sobre dos conceptos de Alejo Carpentier


  • Viktor Wahlström

Summary, in English

In the following Master’s thesis I examine two central concepts in the development of the Latin-American novel of the 20th century: the Marvelous Real (lo real maravilloso) and the American Baroque (lo barroco americano), both developed by the Cuban author Alejo Carpentier (1904-1980). In the study, following some biographical considerations, two original texts by Carpentier are presented; the first one is an article first published in 1948 and the second one is the text material used for a conference held in 1975.
The next chapter consists of a review of different studies and responses on these original texts. Finally, I analyze the two concepts and try to put them in their adequate context combining the information given in the original texts, the studies and the biographical material, to see what conclusions can be drawn.


  • Master's Programme: Literature - Culture - Media
  • Spanska






Examensarbete för masterexamen (Två år)


  • Languages and Literatures


  • Alejo Carpentier
  • El Boom
  • Lo real maravilloso
  • the Marvelous Real
  • lo barroco americano
  • the American Baroque
  • estética
  • Aesthetics.


  • Inger Enkvist (professor)