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"Vad ska jag göra med solen, sopa ner den från taken?" En postkolonial analys av Hanan al-Shaykhs "Ukannis al-shams 'an al-sutuh"


  • Rebecca Nikani

Summary, in English

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the short story ”Ukannis al-shams ‘an al-suṭūḥ” by Ḥanān al-Shaykh from a postcolonial perspective. The analysis is based on the theories of Edward Said, Chandra Mohanty, Suha Sabbagh, Judith E. Tucker and Frantz Fanon. I have examined whether stereotypes of people, particularly Muslim women, from the Arab world can be found in the short story, and whether any of its Arab characters has a so called ‘colonised mind.’ The conclusions reached are that it can be argued that some stereotypes of Arabs appear in the short story, although Arab-Muslim women are not portrayed in a stereotypical way. I found that the protagonist does indeed have a colonised mind, but that she undergoes a process of mental decolonisaton.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Languages and Literatures


  • arabic
  • postcolonialism
  • arabic literature
  • hanan al-shaykh
  • frantz fanon
  • chandra mohanty
  • edward said
  • postcolonial feminism
  • suha sabbagh


  • Maria Persson