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Med videon som väska - En auteurstrukturalistisk analys av Pipilotti Rists videokonst


  • Oscar Kangro

Summary, in English

On the borderline between video art, avant-garde film and popular culture we find the unique artist Pipilotti Rist. Over the past 28 years Rist has made a vast amount of art which she states reassembles her handbag. Regardless if it is a full room video installation, a single channel video, a still picture or a performance based act such as crawling your way onto the price ceremony at the Venice biennale, Rist has a significant artistic touch that makes her art truly personal. This essay intends to analyze the works mainly based on film made either for single channel projections or for multichannel ones. Is it possible to call a video artist an auteur? Through an auteur structuralistic analysis, this essay will answer that question and point out the elements as well as important events that make her works of art unique.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Performing Arts
  • Cultural Sciences
  • Arts and Architecture
  • Languages and Literatures


  • Pipilotti Rist
  • video art
  • videokonst
  • avant-garde
  • modern auteur
  • Contemporary art
  • videoart as film


  • Åsa Bergström (PhD-student)