Las mujeres infieles o la locura de los hombres - Un estudio comparativo del cuento “Esbjerg, en la costa” de Juan Carlos Onetti y del cuento “GPS” de Isaac Rosa sobre la incomunicación entre los hombres y las mujeres en relaciones personales.
Unfaithful women or the madness of men - A comparative study of the short stories "Esbjerg, en la costa" by Juan Carlos Onetti and "GPS" by Isaac Rosa on the lack of communication between men and women in personal relationships.
Summary, in English
This essay investigates the theme of lack of communication in personal relationships in the
short stories “Esbjerg, en la costa” by Juan Carlos Onetti and “GPS” by Isaac Rosa. The
purpose is to make a comparison of the two stories, analyzing them to decide how the same
theme, that of lack of communication in personal relationships, can be narrated so differently.
In both stories the men suspect their wives of being unfaithful due to the lack of
communication between them. The narrator plays an important part in the different narrations
of the stories, but since several previous studies have focused on this, this essay will focus on
the lack of communication from a psychological perspective. The analysis is performed by a
detailed reading of the stories, applying other articles and literature about psychology and lack
of communication. In the theoretical framework some psychological concepts about the lack
of communciation will be presented and the analysis is partly based on Psicología de la
comunicación by Martínez Torres, where one of the main concepts is non-verbal
communication. The analysis shows that the lack of communication in the two stories is not
the same, nor the motives behind it, or the consequences. It is concluded that apart from the
difference in narration with the different use of the narrative elements, the different motives
and consequences of the lack of communication, which lead to diametrically opposed endings
for the couples, all play a part in the different narration of the stories.
short stories “Esbjerg, en la costa” by Juan Carlos Onetti and “GPS” by Isaac Rosa. The
purpose is to make a comparison of the two stories, analyzing them to decide how the same
theme, that of lack of communication in personal relationships, can be narrated so differently.
In both stories the men suspect their wives of being unfaithful due to the lack of
communication between them. The narrator plays an important part in the different narrations
of the stories, but since several previous studies have focused on this, this essay will focus on
the lack of communication from a psychological perspective. The analysis is performed by a
detailed reading of the stories, applying other articles and literature about psychology and lack
of communication. In the theoretical framework some psychological concepts about the lack
of communciation will be presented and the analysis is partly based on Psicología de la
comunicación by Martínez Torres, where one of the main concepts is non-verbal
communication. The analysis shows that the lack of communication in the two stories is not
the same, nor the motives behind it, or the consequences. It is concluded that apart from the
difference in narration with the different use of the narrative elements, the different motives
and consequences of the lack of communication, which lead to diametrically opposed endings
for the couples, all play a part in the different narration of the stories.
- Languages and Literatures
- La incomunicación
- Juan Carlos Onetti
- Isaac Rosa
- narrativa
- la comunicación no verbal
- “Esbjerg
- en la costa”
- “GPS”
- cuentos
- Ingela Johansson