Economic History: Population Aging and the Welfare State
Kurs 7.5 högskolepoäng
This course deals with current issues relating to aging societies. An increasing share of elderly has for a long time characterized Sweden and other developed countries.
The course deals with questions like:
- If this did not constitute a challenge before, why is it the case today?
- Is the welfare state, as we today know it compatible with an aging society?
- How can we finance the welfare of an increasing share of elderly, with a steadily declining work force? Can this be done through increased immigration?
- What consequences does an aging society have for labour supply, savings, investments, and economic growth?
Following topics are discussed during the course:
- the historical origins of welfare systems, in Sweden and elsewhere
- historical fertility, mortality and migration patterns, linking short and long-term population changes to economic growth
- a range of potential solutions to how welfare systems can be financed during coming decades, through savings, increased labour force participation, productivity increases, and taxes
The student is also provided with a thorough review of key theoretical as well as empirical literature in the field.
Stängd för anmälan
Alla utbildningstillfällenKontakt
Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
Scheelevägen 15B, Alfa 1, 223 63 Lund
Box 7080, 220 07 Lund
+46 46 222 74 75
Håkan Lobell
+46 46 222 74 85
hakan [dot] lobell [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se
Behörighet & urval
Anmälan & antagning
Start Höstterminen 2024
Dagtid Lund, heltid 100%
På engelska
2 september 2024 - 1 oktober 2024
Stängd för anmälan
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Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Economic History: Population Aging and the Welfare State är 15 000 SEK.