Emily Wise
E-post: emily [dot] wise [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se
Projektledare vid
LU Samverkan
+46 46 222 39 49
+46 73 101 14 26
Samverkan, Medicon Village, Scheeletorget 1, Lund
Som projektledare och forskare vid LU Samverkan arbetar jag med att utveckla kunskap i samverkan med externa intressenter - främst relaterade till governance (inkl utvärderingen) av innovations ekosystem och samverkansinitiativ. Detta sker genom följeforskning och strategiskt expertstöd till pågående samverkansinitiativ (som leds av LU/akademi, industri eller den offentliga sektorn) eller till innovationspolitiska aktörer, samt genom strategiskt stöd till ledningen. As a project manager and researcher at LU Collaboration Office, I work with developing knowledge in collaboration with external stakeholders – primarily related to the governance (including evaluation) of innovation ecosystems and collaborative initiatives (of various scopes). This takes places through interactive research and strategic expert support to ongoing collaborative initiatives (led by LU/academia, industry of the public sector) or to policy actors, as well as through strategy support to LU management.
Affilierad forskare vid
+46 46 222 39 49
+46 73 101 14 26
Sölvegatan 16, Lund
My research and policy engagement activities are related to strategy and governance of collaborative innovation efforts, and the evaluation (or monitoring) of collaboration and system transformation processes (in cluster initiatives or other types of innovation ecosystems). In addition, I present at conferences and participate in various external networks, workshops and peer reviews on topics such as: cluster development and cluster policy, monitoring and evaluation of collaborative innovation policies/initiatives, and internationalization and interregional innovation collaboration.