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Grammatikens betydelse för valet mellan de och dem


  • Amra Balic

Summary, in English

Researchers do not agree on whether grammar teaching is important for students' writing. At the same time, research shows that the choice between de 'they' and dem 'them' is an increasingly common problem of language accuracy among Swedish students. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the importance of grammar for the level of language accuracy in Swedish high school students in college preparatory programs. The purpose has been answered through an analysis of 140 questionnaires that tested students' grammar and mastery of de 'they' / dem 'them'. In addition, the students' teachers in Swedish each answered a separate questionnaire regarding their attitude towards grammar. The results show that the students with good basic grammar skills master de 'they' or dem 'them' better than the students whose grammarly skills are more limited. Furthermore, the teachers who show the most positive attitude towards grammar teach in the classes that have received the highest results in both the grammar- and the de 'they' / dem 'them'-part of the questionnaire.


  • Languages and Literatures


  • grammatik
  • språkriktighet
  • de/dem
  • svenskämnet
  • elevtest
  • lärarenkät
  • grammar
  • language accuracy
  • they/them
  • Swedish subject
  • student test
  • teacher survey


  • Philippe Collberg (Quel salut pour Thérèse Desqueyroux?)