Economic History: Swedish Economic Development
Kurs 7.5 högskolepoäng
The aim of the course is to analyse Sweden's transformation into an industrial society, structural changes in Swedish economic development and the economic structure of modern Sweden. The course discusses Swedish economic development in a long-term perspective.
The course starts with an overview of the agrarian past of Sweden, its peculiarities and its similarities with other regions in Europe. The process of Swedish industrialisation is studied in the general context of economic changes in the nineteenth-century Europe.
Another topic is the modern welfare state in Sweden in a comparative perspective. The development of the welfare state is treated in the wider context of the Swedish economic model. Special attention is given to the changing role of women in the labour market and in the economy.
Furthermore, the Swedish economic development during the 1980s and 1990s is presented and analysed. Economic policy measures introduced in the 1990s to cope with the problems of the economy will be described and discussed. Particular consideration is given to the high degree of internationalisation of the Swedish economy and Sweden's relationship to the EU.
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Alla utbildningstillfällenKontakt
Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
Scheelevägen 15B, Alfa 1, 223 63 Lund
Box 7080, 220 07 Lund
+46 46 222 74 75
Håkan Lobell
+46 46 222 74 85
hakan [dot] lobell [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se
Behörighet & urval
Anmälan & antagning
Start Vårterminen 2025
Dagtid Lund, heltid 100%
På engelska
20 februari 2025 - 21 mars 2025
Stängd för anmälan
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Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES
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Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Economic History: Swedish Economic Development är 15 000 SEK.