Kulturkrockar och othering på TikTok: En reflexiv tematisk innehållsanalys av amerikanska TikTok-producenters upplevda kulturkrockar i Europa
Summary, in English
The purpose of this research is to analyze how American producers on TikTok document their experience of living in Europe. This is executed with a reflexive thematic content analysis as it is expressed by Braun and Clarke (2006) and related to the theories of othering and exotification, which are processes of constructing collective identities. I intend to analyze what the producers have in common when it comes to their experience of culture clashes and how they articulate mechanisms of othering. This resulted in the themes: welfare, alcohol culture, socio psychological dimension, and geographic and cultural environment. This study draws the conclusion that the producers have a very similar experience of Europe, regardless of which country in Europe they live in, and that there were no contradictory experiences reported. The producers articulated mechanisms of othering differently depending on if their TikTok-content focused on humor or information. If it focused on the latter, it was concluded that the producers had changed their relation with the USA after they moved abroad and gained new perspectives of life, and hence became more critical of their homeland. However, this was not the case if the producer focused their TikTok-content on humor.
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Examensarbete för kandidatexamen
- Cultural Sciences
- Images of Europe
- othering
- reflexive thematic content analysis
- TikTok
- cultural shocks
- European Studies
- Anamaria Dutceac Segesten (Biträdande Lektor)
- Mattias Nowak