Take 3! Workshop on Streamed Classical Concerts

What can a concert experience become in the streaming era? How do we interact with virtual concerts, and in what space do we meet each other?
Event Overview
Join us for a very first try-out test within the Kalaudioscope/LUDICH (Lund University Digital Interactive Concert Hall) project, a collaborative effort between Lund University, Malmö Live Concert Hall/MSO, Axis, Amazon, Cinfo, Capgemini, Ericsson and others. Together, we explore the automation and personalisation of streamed concerts through cutting-edge technology.
Technology Spotlight
By combining the technologies of our project partners, such as synchronizing Axis cameras with Cinfo’s software in the cloud, we aim to design a perfect, constant audio stream for individual camera selection and editing for each user. An individual concert experience tailored for each spectator. Simulating the experience with recorded content of Malmö Academy of Music’s symphony orchestra, we will then envision, problematise, dream and specify the potential of digital concert formats and the developments needed to realize them.
Discussion Topics
- Technology Innovation: Individual zooming of both audio and image for each camera stream
- Social Dynamics: User interaction and preferences
- AI Integrations: contextual information and recognition of compositions, performers, instruments and history
- Market Opportunities: Target groups, business models, payment and remuneration systems
- Artistic Opportunities: Emerging artistic formats enabled by new technology
Our Community
The workshop conference unites students, researchers, developers and practitioners from six Lund University faculties and various sectors within technology and innovation, fostering a diverse participation and a rich exchange of ideas.
Sign up
The workshop conference is open to everyone and free of charge. To register for the Take3! Workshop, please fill out this form: https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/formular/registration-open
Learn more
For more information about the LUDICH project, see our project page:
Om evenemanget
Malmö Live
jesper [dot] larsson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se