Sociologi: Internationell migration och samhällsutveckling
Kurs 15 högskolepoäng
Sociology: International Migration and Development. The course examines the link between migration and development. What are the causes of migration? How do the unequal relations between the countries in the world influence migration?
Course name: SOCB27, Sociology: International Migration and Development. (Swedish name: Sociologi: Internationell migration och samhällsutveckling) Undergraduate course. 15 credits. Spring semester, first period.
Language of instruction: English.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a so called theme-course. A theme-course does not make you eligible for courses at a higher level (as our other undergraduate courses do). Please ask our Study Advisers for more information: studievagledare [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se
In this course you will also study migration on a micro-level, as an individual decision to move to another country, or as a family strategy in sending regions to increase income. Migrants send a large share of their income back to their families. How do these remittances affect communities in sending regions?
You will also study how social networks between sending and receiving countries drive migration and how states influences migration streams. The objective of the course is to give the ability to identify the causes of migration and how migration affects both sending countries and receiving countries. The course is given as a basic level course within sociology.
How to apply for this course
Application for this course is open from mid September to mid October each year (Swedish national application dates).
Please apply via the Lund University Swedish website If you are on this page already please look for the brown button "anmälan".
Please ask our Study Adviser for assistance: studievagledare [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se
Course literature, syllabus and more
Find more information about the Department of Sociology, where you will study this course
- "About us" on the Department of Sociology website
- "For current students" on the Department of Sociology website. A collection of pages for current students at the Department of Sociology.
Öppnas för anmälan
Study Advisers at the Department of Sociology
Lena Mårtensson
E-post: studievagledare [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se
This course is given by the Department of Sociology. Visit our website here.
Behörighet & urval
Anmälan & antagning
Start Vårterminen 2025
Dagtid Lund, heltid 100%
På engelska
20 januari 2025 - 21 mars 2025
Öppnas för anmälningar 2024-09-16
Urvalsgrupper | VT 2022 |
Gymnasiebetyg utan komplettering (BI) | 20,13 |
Gymnasiebetyg med komplettering (BII) | - |
Folkhögskolebetyg (BF) | - |
Högskoleprovet (HP) | 0,70 |
Akademiska poäng på grundnivå (APGR) | 158,5 |
Totalt antal antagna
Vårterminen 2022 - 30 st
- (streck) = ingen antagen i gruppen
* (stjärna) = alla antagna i gruppen
Tabellen visar lägsta meritkrav/poäng på högskoleprovet som krävdes för aktuell termin. Siffrorna varierar beroende på bland annat antal sökande och antal platser. Läs mer om antagningspoäng.
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Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Sociologi: Internationell migration och samhällsutveckling är 28 750 SEK.