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*Fully booked* Four climate solutions: techniques to remove carbon dioxide - CCS, CCU and CDR explained

10 april 2024 08:30 till 09:30 | Föreläsning
Stora moln av utsläpp från en industribyggnad i eftermiddagssol. Foto.

High greenhouse gas emissions have been a recognised problem for over a hundred years. At the same time, the phase-out of fossil fuels is slow. Today's debate highlights different ways to reach net-zero emissions targets, and discussions on ultimate solutions are loud. During Sustainability Week, we highlight four options and discuss the opportunities and risks from a scientific perspective.

Today's breakfast seminar explains and discusses technologies that remove large amounts of carbon dioxide. Can they help us reach net zero? Find out more about CCS, CCU and CDR.

Om evenemanget


Pufendorfinstitute (Hörsalen), Biskopsgatan 3, Lund


noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se