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Europeisk affärsrätt - Förstå grunderna

Kurs 5 högskolepoäng


General information

The European Union is one of the world's largest and most important economies. To optimize the understanding of its functions, our courses in European Business Law are now available both as stand-alone courses and as a course package! This course is the first of three courses given within this area. The course is given as a web-based independent course and includes five (5) credits.The duration of the course is three and a half (3.5) weeks of full-time studies. The course is part of the Faculty of Law's range of continuing education programs for professionals and cannot be included in a law degree.

Course content

The course is divided into six modules.

The first module provides a brief introduction to the history and the institutions of the EU, as well as the judicial branch i.e., the Court of Justice of the EU. This module will also address the fundamental EU treaties.

The second module provides an overview of the available online resources and EU legal databases. It provides suggestions on how to search the official journals, including the case law of the ECJ. In addition, the module explains what treaties, regulations and directives are, and where to find them online.

The third module covers the fundamental principles and constitutional foundations of EU law.

The fourth module covers the enforcement of EU law and judicial review.

The fifth module deals with the economic freedoms, the freedom of movement of capital, services, goods, persons and the freedom of establishment.

The sixth and last module covers the legal framework of the common European foreign policy. This is a complex field where the policies of the individual Member States and the EU overlap and interact.

Course design

The course objectives are met through active participation in the education, independent studies of the course material and carrying out obligatory elements of the course. The course is designed as a web-based course, which means that all the teaching is done through pre-recorded online lectures. The lectures are paired with mandatory quizzes in the form of multiple-choice questions.


Your will be assessed by participation in obligatory quizzes and the written assignment. The written assignment is worth five (5) credits, and the final grade is based on the student’s achieved result of the written assignment.

We answer your questions!

You may contact us with questions at any point during the duration of the course. Please contact us at 046 - 222 11 26 or send an e-mail to eurbus [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se.

Stängd för anmälan

Alla utbildningstillfällen


Juridiska institutionen

Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 4-6, Lund

Box 207, 221 00 Lund

+46 46 222 10 00


Behörighet & urval


Grundläggande behörighet


Platserna fördelas enligt följande: Betyg 34%, Högskoleprov 34% och antal tidigare högskolepoäng vid sista anmälningsdag (upp till 165) 32%. Vid lika meritvärde görs urval på högskoleprovet. Om det också är lika görs urval med lottning.

Anmälan & antagning

Start Summer Semester 2024

Blandad undervisningstid Lund, heltid 100%

På engelska, distansutbildning

Inga obligatoriska träffar


3 juni 2024 - 18 juni 2024


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Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES

Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs vidare på https://antagning.se/sv/studier-pa-hogskoleniva/anmalnings--och-studieavgifter/

Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Europeisk affärsrätt - Förstå grunderna är 10 833 SEK.