Klimat och samhälle
Kurs 15 högskolepoäng
Climate change has become one of the defining social and environmental challenges of our time. In light of the public and political attention that the issue has gained, the need for informed and critical perspectives on this important topic is more urgent than ever.
About the course Climate Change and Society
The course provides an interdisciplinary and state-of-the-art perspective on climate change with a particular emphasis on its social, economic, political and cultural dimensions. As a students you will receive a close understanding of the intertwined social and biophysical dynamics of both drivers and impacts of climate change, and of the different solutions that are being proposed.
The course is structured around four key themes:
- Drivers and dynamics of climate change
- Politics and economics of reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Adaptation and loss and damage
- Social narratives and imaginaries about climate change by different actor groups
The course also pursues a number of cross-cutting themes, for example on the unequal dimensions to both climate change responsibility and vulnerability, and a focus on questions of power for understanding the obstacles to, and opportunities, for climate action.
Learning Outcomes
The course provides tools for students to critically assess the current direction of climate politics and the solutions that are being suggested. At the same time, the course also seeks to empower students as agents of change, who understand the encompassing scope of climate change and can define and pursue practical solutions in a variety of social contexts.
Syllabus and Literature list
Available here https://www.lucsus.lu.se/education/courses/climate-change-and-society &…;
Who Can Apply?
The course is open for everyone, students as well as practioners. Please note that this is a fulltime course that requires you to be on campus in Lund. See entry requirements below.
Stängd för anmälan
Alla utbildningstillfällenKontakt
"Josephson", "Wrangel", Biskopsgatan 5, 223 62 Lund
Box 170, 221 00 Lund
+46 46 222 04 70
Behörighet & urval
fullgjorda kursfordringar om 150 hp, inklusive 90 hp i ett huvudområde. Engelska 6/Engelska B.
Anmälan & antagning
Start Höstterminen 2024
Dagtid Lund, heltid 100%
På engelska
2 september 2024 - 31 oktober 2024
Stängd för anmälan
Urvalsgrupper | HT 2024 |
Totalt antal antagna
Höstterminen 2024 - 24 st
- (streck) = ingen antagen i gruppen
* (stjärna) = alla antagna i gruppen
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Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES
Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs vidare på https://antagning.se/sv/studier-pa-hogskoleniva/anmalnings--och-studieavgifter/
Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Klimat och samhälle är 33 750 SEK.