Le rôle de la variation des activités d’input sur la production écrite: Une étude quantitative et qualitative
Summary, in English
It has long been debated whether second language learning activities that contain authentic materials are more effective than their constructed and more grammatical counterparts, and there is still no clear consensus on whether one is more efficient than the other. This research paper investigated the writing proficiency of four students learning French at Lund University in Sweden, where one student focused on authentic French materials, another student focused more on constructed and grammatical French materials, and the other two situating themselves between the two. The research question of this paper asked: What role do activities that contain authentic materials have versus grammatically based activities when producing texts in L2 French? Can we observe differences in the vocabulary and grammar of the students? The students were asked to write two texts based on a series of images that portrayed two women going to Italy. The lexical variety using the type/token ratio was compared between the four texts, and also their grammatical correctness using verbal construction as an indicator. It seems that from the results, the students who used both authentic texts and constructed, grammatical texts in their language learning activities performed better than those who focused solely on one method.
Examensarbete för kandidatexamen
- Languages and Literatures
- French L2
- Authentic materials
- Constructed materials
- Written proficiency
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- Lexical variety
- Input
- Anita Thomas