Forze e debolezze di un narratore. I due narratori di La vie devant soi e Montedidio a confronto
Summary, in English
This essay is an analysis of the narrative instance in two novels: Montedidio of the contemporary Italian writer Erri De Luca, published in 2002, and La vie devant soi written by Romain Gary in 1975. The aim of this study is to compare these novels which appear quite similar at first glance: they are both narrated by an autodiegetic narrator, this being a child living in poor social condition. Moreover they both are examples of the “Bildungsroman” genre. I investigate the narrator in order to highlight the features and peculiarities of each work. Inspired by Gerard Genette’s theory of narratology and his notions of tense, mood and voice, I analyze the narrative voice (who is speaking?), the time of the narration (when does the telling occur, relative to the story?) and the narrative perspective or focalization (through whom are we perceiving?). Moreover I investigate the relation between the narrator and the narratee. The results show that the two novels are deeply different in spite of their similarities. The different techniques which have been used have produced different results and they probably affect the reader in different ways.
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Examensarbete för kandidatexamen
- Languages and Literatures
- narratologi
- berättare
- berättarteknik
- Gerard Genette
- Carla Cariboni Killander (Lecturer in italian and french)