Olika men ändå olika? - En undersökning om liknande problemområden gällande barns rättigheter i två olika EU-länder
Olika men ändå olika?
Summary, in English
This essay begins with the author trying to find similar problem areas within the topic of children´s rights in Romania and in Sweden. The contrasting countries, both members of the EU turns out having one common similarity: discrimination. To investigate the topic further a thesis regarding institutional and structural discrimination by Masoud Kamali is applied. The thesis will provide the information that the question: “Is the Europe ready to unite on the premises of inclusion rather than exclusion?” is answered with a no. Four different parameters seek to find the answer. The conclusion is that problems regarding discrimination
are shown as being a very current topic in both countries and that minority groups are mostly affected by this. The result shows that these tendencies are very much embedded within the nation states normative structures and does not imply a changing paradigm when it comes to “othering” in Europe. To exclude some and include others seems to be the way Europe continuously is defining itself. A continent created by and for the norm, consequentially excluding and making society a harder place to adapt to for individuals from cultural minorities.
are shown as being a very current topic in both countries and that minority groups are mostly affected by this. The result shows that these tendencies are very much embedded within the nation states normative structures and does not imply a changing paradigm when it comes to “othering” in Europe. To exclude some and include others seems to be the way Europe continuously is defining itself. A continent created by and for the norm, consequentially excluding and making society a harder place to adapt to for individuals from cultural minorities.
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Examensarbete för kandidatexamen
- Cultural Sciences
- Maktpositioner
- Normativa värden
- Barns rättigheter
- Diskriminering
- Hypotetisk-deduktiv metod
- Jan Schwarz