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Le patois d'Evolène - Attitudes des locuteurs à l'égard du patois local dans un village de la Suisse romande


  • Olof Lindquist

Summary, in English

The patois of Evolène – a municipality in the Swiss canton of Valais – is the only autochthonous Franco-Provençal dialect that is still being transmitted to new generations in the French speaking part of Switzerland. This work is based on a questionnaire, distributed through Google Forms and answered by 10 patois speaking residents of Evolène. The respondents were questioned on two main topics: how is the patois acquired, used and transmitted and what are their attitudes and reflections about its usage, transmission and prospects of survival in Evolène? The results show a strong connection between the patois and the local identity and origin of its speakers. The attitudes towards the patois are very positive and so is the wish to transmit the language to the next generations. Their hope that the patois will actually survive in the long run is not as great however.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Languages and Literatures


  • patois
  • Evolène
  • attitudes
  • attitude linguistique
  • francoprovençal
  • Valais
  • Suisse romande
  • dialecte
  • Val d’Hérens
  • diglossie
  • identité linguistique
  • patoisant


  • Malin Ågren