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La double appartenance linguistique chez deux écrivains d’expression française Étude contrastive des textes autobiographiques d’Akira Mizubayashi et d’Andreï Makine


  • Hannes Gustafsson

Summary, in English

The autobiographies written in French by the migrant writers Akira Mizubayashi, of Japanese origin, and Andrei Makine, of Siberian origin, will be examined in this essay with particular focus on the authors’ reflections on the acquisition of a foreign language and the dual linguistic affiliation in relation to identity shaping.

Summary, in English

The autobiographies written in French by the migrant writers Akira Mizubayashi, of Japanese origin, and Andrei Makine, of Siberian origin, will be examined in this essay with particular focus on the authors’ reflections on the acquisition of a foreign language and the dual linguistic affiliation in relation to identity shaping.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Languages and Literatures


  • Language Identity Autobiography


  • Carla Cariboni Killander (Lecturer in italian and french)