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“Där försvinner något av den svenska profilen”: En jämförelse av socialdemokraternas ideologiska ställningstagande under 1980- och 1990-talet, angående medlemskapet i EU


  • Adam Clizbe

Summary, in English

The Swedish welfare system has been subject to extensive research, because of its unique alloy of capitalist and socialist ideas and principles. The Social Democratic formulation of the idea of the people’s home has been an integral part of the Swedish political discourse for the better part of a century. During the 1980’s and 1990’s, the hegemony of the social democratic ideology came into question. This, largely due to the fall of The Soviet Union, the rise of Neoliberalism as well as the concurrent financial crisis. Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson had to reevaluate the course of his Social Democratic Party and the Swedish welfare system with it. The Social Democratic Party had at the time been opposed to a membership in the European Community for several decades, by principle of national sovereignty and neutrality. However, the circumstances changed with the fall of The Soviet Union. The crux of the matter became how to consolidate the previously held principle with the new circumstances, without the appearance of abandoning the social democratic ideology. With incremental, yet subtle changes to the party's ideological and political declarations, as well as the overall argumentation, this transition of opinion seems to have evolved through three distinct phases: the EC is a threat to the Swedish welfare system; the EC is an opportunity for the further development of the Swedish welfare system; and lastly—the EC is a necessity in order to uphold the Swedish welfare system.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Social Sciences


  • EG
  • EU
  • Folkhemmet
  • Ideologi
  • Ingvar Carlsson
  • Socialdemokraterna
  • Välfärdssystem
  • Europastudier


  • Tomas Sniegon