En analys av Europaparlamentets resolution ”Konsekvenserna för kvinnor av kriget mot Ukraina”
Summary, in English
This essay examines the European Parliament resolution of 5 May 2022 on the impact of the war against Ukraine on women. The analysis is based on a descriptive idea analysis, which helps me map out which ideas and political actions that are adopted by the European parliament in the resolution. The essay also investigates the EU:s understanding of female exploitation and vulnerability in the Ukrainian war and examines how the resolution takes feminist perspectives into account. Feminist theory is applied on the analysis, and the empirical data is analysed through a feminist perspective on war. Conflict-related sexual violence, gender-based violence and human trafficking are important concepts for this essay. The conclusion presents the resolution’s main ideas, perceptions and proposals for political action regarding the exploited women in the Ukrainian war, and shows that the Union’s main ideas reflect and contribute to which proposals that are being adopted. Perceptions against conflict-related sexual violence, gender-based violence, human trafficking, surrogacy and ideas regarding the right to reproductive health, life and safety for female refugees are adopted by the parliament through the resolution. Proposals for political action concerning these topics such as support programs, expertise, EU funds, coordination, identifications, information campaigns, investigations, awareness-raising campaigns and coordination with civil organisations are adopted by the resolution. My conclusion is that the European Union mostly takes feminist perspectives on war into account and pays regard to gender and gender power relations in their intended work. The Union shows understanding and awareness of the consequences that women experience only for being women, and their particularly vulnerable situation in war. However, the resolution totally lacks any awareness or proposals regarding intimate partner violence, which is the most common form of gender-based violence and it increases during wars and conflicts.
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Examensarbete för kandidatexamen
- Social Sciences
- Law and Political Science
- Beskrivande idéanalys
- feministisk teori
- feministiska perspektiv på krig
- konfliktrelaterat sexuellt våld
- människohandel och trafficking
- könsrelaterat våld
- Europaparlamentet
- Europastudier
- Alena Minchenia