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En analys av den engelska nationalismens påverkan på Boris Johnsons argument för Brexit


  • Nora Granath

Summary, in English

This essay analyzes multiple speeches by Boris Johnson during his campaign for Brexit and a period after the polls were closed. It examines if Boris Johnson's speeches are characterized and influenced by English nationalism. Furthermore, if his arguments and ideas correspond with the values of nationalism and particularly English values. The referendum of Brexit polarized the United Kingdom. Majority of England voted to leave the EU meanwhile Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland voted against. It is therefore intriguing to investigate how an influential politician as Boris Johnson may have contributed to the divide in the referendum results, by applying English values to his ideas about Brexit. The theory this essay focuses on is nationalism and English nationalism. The method of the essay is descriptive analysis of ideas with a combination of argumentative analysis. My purpose is to uncover Boris Johnson's argumentative structure and ideas in various statements.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Social Sciences


  • Nationalism
  • Engelsk nationalism
  • Europeiska unionen
  • Brexit
  • England
  • Storbritannien
  • Boris Johnson
  • Europastudier


  • Mattias Nowak